
Introduction to Spanish 1: An Accelerated Spanish Workbook

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Introduction to Spanish 1: An Accelerated Spanish Workbook


Using a methodical building block approach, this ten-chapter accelerated learning workbook teaches you how to quickly convert many English words into Spanish and how to use high-frequency verbs to actively begin forming complete sentences from the get-go.

Suitable for complete beginners and those wanted to dust off their Spanish.

Chapter Segments:

RECAP: A short starter activity recapping the previous lesson.

WHAT I’VE LEARNT THIS LESSON: a short plenary activity summing up what was learnt in the current lesson.

HOW WELL I DID THIS LESSON: note down your score for the exercises and quickly answer a couple of questions regarding your participation.

NEXT LESSON I WILL…: set a target for the following lesson.

SPANISH SOUNDS: an introduction to some of the sounds which differ most from English.

LANGUAGE DETECTIVE: dotted throughout the lessons, these sections ask students to spot patterns/clues in the language in order to gain promotion.

NOTAS: each lesson has a space for you to make your own notes.

INFO: a post-it note symbol indicates an explanation of a point of Spanish grammar or some other information needed at that point in the lesson.

REWIND: a reminder of a key piece of information to aid you in completing an exercise.

END MATERIAL: at the end of the booklet you will find a list of the key rules introduced during the lessons as well as a comprehensive English-Spanish glossary.

There is also a MY TEACHER SAYS box at the end of the final chapter for those working with a teacher or native speaker helper in which the teacher can grade effort, writing, reading and speaking and leave a comment. There is a space for the student to reply.

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The 10 chapter (66 page) Introduction to Spanish 1 PDF workbook and the PDF answers key.

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